DOSC Sailing Awards Sequence of Events | Thursday 27th May

DOSC will be hosting the virtual prize-giving for the annual Sailing Awards this Thursday 27th May. Find the sequence of events here.
Youth Sailing Awards | Saturday 29th May

DOSC will be hosting the Youth Sailing Awards this Saturday 29th May from 6pm for all our young sailors
Tuesday Pursuit Race Returns | 25th May

The Pursuit Race is moving back to the traditional Tuesday night with effect from 25th May – find your start time here
Looking for crew? Looking to join a crew? Check out the new DOSC crew table at the Tuesday Night Pursuit Race

If you’re looking for new crew members, or if you’re looking to join a crew, look no further than the new DOSC Crew table. Starting next week, on Tuesday 1st June, a dedicated table with sunshade – located at the start of the Marina road at the edge of The Clubhouse terrace – will be […]
Volunteers with Power Boat License needed

Call for volunteers to assist with driving ribs and power boats for DOSC race days and regattas starting from September onwards DOSC is always in need of volunteers to drive ribs and power boats on race days and regattas. For DOSC Members holding an existing Power Boat License, this can be converted to a Marine Boat License […]
Food & Drinks Hampers | Available for the Sailing Awards Thursday 27th May

Order a food and hamper for the Sailing Awards this Thursday 29th May to take aboard
Enhancing the entry experience at DOSC

DOSC’s Operational Procedures are designed to ensure that all of our Members are able to fully enjoy the Club’s facilities at all times. It is important that DOSC Members and their guests adhere to the protocols in order to enhance the experience for everyone. You may have noticed that we have recently made changes to […]